The Whites

The Whites

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Back to School

Today is the first day of school for Beverlie and Carolyn. They have been so excited for about a week to go back to shool. We took them school shopping and Beverlie got her haircut. It wasnt how she wanted it. They cut it shorter then she wanted. But it is still cute. Carolyn her hair hasn't grown back from when she got it cut the last time. They are excited to make new friends. Trevor and Ryan got to see their school they will be going to this year. Trevor will be going 4 days a week for 3hr. Ryan will go 2 days a week for 3hr and then a teacher will come o are home 2days of that week. Trevor was so excited to go to school. He wanted to get a backpack and all the stuff the girls had to get for their school.
Carolyn on her first day of school.
Beverlie's first day of school.

I will post Trevor and Ryan's first day of school when their school starts in Sept.