Its that time of year again so I decided I would post my pre season predictions, as you can see I am the lonley ute fan in my family the rest are byu fans how ever I am convinced that byu will have a better season this year.
my predictions.
TCU 12-0
Byu 10-2
utah 10-2
I think byu will lose to tcu and then lose confidence like they so often do and then they lose to utah in the holy war.
Utah suffers losses to tcu and oregan.
Tcu runs the table and bust's the bcs, I hope my predictions are wrong and utah runs the table but they lost alot of there coaching staff and some of there best players from last season.
The main thing that will hurt utah is losing louie sakoda concidering he won at least 3 games for the utes last season its amazing how much a kicker can impact the game as seen last season.
As for byu I am giving them the benifit of the doubt I think they will shock the nation the first week of the season and will beat oklahoma which will set up the undeafeted team from the mountain west to have a shot at a national championship so I am definitly going to be watching that game and cheering for byu, I think tcu and byu will be undefeated when they meet in provo but tcu's defence will be to much and max hall will throw 5 intercepions like he does in big games however if utah dont run the table I would prefer byu does. I will probebly change my predictions after week 1 if byu losses if they lose that game I think it will be a totally different senerio they will probebly lose 4 games OU,TCU,FSU,UTAH. Tcu bcs busters, Utah las vegas bowl, Byu poinsietta bowl vs boise state.

I love college football its awsome but I have to tell you since I moved to boise I am somewhat annoyed these people practice boise state football like we do are religion eveyother mailbox painted boise state, Every other vehicle coverd in bsu perifenellia, every grill with a bsu cover,
every radio station giving away free tickets to bsu home games and must we not forget the famous countdown to the biggest game ever played in idaho state history i think I just heard that its 3 days 48 min and 22 seconds until kickoff all this comotion and they are only playing the oregan ducks its only like 5 hrs away from here its not like there playing florida. I hope oregan rides the broncos right out of there own stadium right back up to oregan and then utah shoots a bow right through the quacking ducks. I cant stand bsu. oh I went to bronco stadium on saturday to see scott play football and seen the famous blue turff wow, I yelled go utes and I lived even though all the threats of how much they hate utah and byu they are just a bunch of weak winers around here sore losers. I got a nice laugh though I think I embaresed jenny and tim.