We threw a party for Ryan on saturday. He turned 2. We did a Thomas the train theme. We bought him a Thomas traxs set, bat and ball, noise maker, and some outfits and books. Jenny and her family came over and we had Deli sandwiches for lunch and then watched Ryan open his presents. He was so cute taking his time put the paper down in a pile. He got a swimsuit and towel from the Needles family. When he opened his bat he started hiting everybody with it. It was fun. then we sang Happy birthday and eat cake. Then we headed to YMCA to go swimming. The kids had a blast.. Ryan loved going down the slide with his dad. The other kids liked the river.
Happy Birthday Ry Guy! We sure do love ya buddy!
happy birthday to Ryan
(who is the boy in the blue shirt? He looks like a White)
I'm sorry, this is aunt Kelley, I have another blog where I go by kaye. I forgot to sign out and sign back in :)
happy birthday Ry guy! It was fun to spend the day with you.
Kelley, that is my scott.
Ryan,hope you had lots of fun,and enjoyed all you'r presents to...
Sorry we missed you'r birthday this year...Liked the pictures,they we're cute.
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