I decided because it is almost Valentines Day and love is in the air. That I was going to dedicate this post to the one I love with all my heart.
10 Reason Why I Love Daniel
1) You mean the world to me
2) You hold the key to my heart
3) You Handsome
4) Your sense of humor
5) Your my best friend
6) Your smile
7) Your personality
8) Your a great father and husband
9) I can tell you anything
10) Were good together
I love everything about Danny. He is a great father and husband and he does all he can to give his family everything. He's great at everything he does and he know how to bring a smile to your face. With that one of a kind personality. Since I meet Danny I have become a fan of all kinds of sports. He is this biggest Utah Utes fan I know. We watch every game and go to as many as we can. 2 years ago we went all the way to pondarosa, CA. to watch the Utes play UCLA. When we were there we went to the Ocean and down Hollywood and seen everybody trying to make a buck dressing up as famous people. He is also a huge Jazz fan. We watch the every game and we have been to alot of Jazz games including lower bowl tickets and we even went to the playoff game when they played the Rockets. He loves sports and I love that about him. We have gone alot of places together as a family. We spend alot of time together as a family and I love it. I love spend every minute with him. He knows how to brig me up when Im feeling down. He loves spending time with his kids. Playing baseball, riding horses, going to amusement parks, going to family outings, or even just playing cars with the boys. I love everything about him.
A poem just for Danny
Year Round Valentine
I love you all through February,
Not just on Valentine’s Day;
I cherish you when flowers of spring
Appear in the midst of May.
I adore you in the summer,
When the air is filled with heat;
Without you in my life each day,
I wouldn’t be complete.
I treasure you in fall,
When leaves are turning gold;
I loved you when you were younger;
I’ll love you when you’re old.
I prize you in the winter,
When colder days are here;
I love you, love you all the time,
Every minute of the year.
So I’ll give to you this Valentine,
But I want to let you know,
It’s not just today, but always,
That I will love you so.

Danny's GO UTES
With his sisters and brother

Our Wedding

Check out are valentine gift on the next post.
That was a very nice post. I can tell you love him very much! Cute puppy too. I haven't made the commitment yet to an animal. Coy always asks for one, but I just can't do it yet!
What a nice post! That was very nice of you! I love the pictures. I can't believe how young Caroline and Bevie are in your wedding photo! I remember that day! It doesn't seem like it was that long ago... Wow time sure does fly.
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