It finally has warmed up. We have been loving it. We have been outside doing some yard work and playing with the kids. The other day we went over to Misty and Steve's and the kids played baseball. The kids had tons of fun. We have been busy having fun.

Danny helping Ryan hit the ball. He was having so much fun he really loves to play baseball.

Here is Ryan trying to hit the ball on his own.

Here's Carolyn when it was her time to bat.

The other day we had the sprinklers on and Ryan keep going close enough to get alittle wet then we would run out of the sprinkler.
Here is Carolyn and Trevor on the tire swing I made them last year. they really love playing on it.
Looks like you guys are enjoying this beautiful Spring weather to your fullest! Your kids are adorable! I think Mady has the same bike as one of your kids. I noticed it in the bottom corner of the bottom picture. Cute cute!!
We can't wait to see you guys again and hang out. We are coming down their this Saturday, so if you guys are around, we will have to get together that day.
Matt & I have been talking about moving to Emery county. There are no jobs wanting to hire Matt up here and our moneys running low, so we may have to move that way soon. If we do, it will be fun living close so we can hang out! I'm so glad that Marshall and Trevor play so well together. And Mady plays well with Carolyn. =)
It's good to get out in the sunshine. It looks like everyone was enjoying themselves. Everyone gets a big hug from me.
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