It's finally feeling like spring! Now that the weather has finally warmed up are family has been taking advantage of it. We have spent a lot of time at the park playing and just enjoying watching the kids play and have fun. Yesterday we went driving around and We went up by Emmett and we had a picnic at the park by the river. The kids have been having a blast. Beverlie stared playing softball and her first games start in May. Trevor is going to play baseball this year he will be starting soon too. We are going to be busy with sports this year but it will be fun.

Ryan after he came down the slide. When we go to the park this is all he does is go up and down the slide he loves the slide.



Beverlie spun Carolyn in the tire swing and I don't think she was feeling so good afterwards.

Trevor and Carolyn


Beverlie, Carolyn and Trevor
Happy Spring!
I love spring--looks like you had a fun time.
It is always nice to get outside and do something. It looks like it was a good day.
Happy Spring! It looks like fun!
fun day! Yeah.... warm days are on their way.
Looks like a very fun park. I used to love to swing the higher the better, give me a glider today and I am happy. Then monkey bars - could hang on them all day, never lived anywhere where is was cool enough to use the slide - definitely burn your bu.. Glad to here you are doing lots of fun things with the kids, these will be their best memories in years to come...luv ya
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