It's been awhile since I last blogged and a lot has happened. So this might be a long blog with a lot of picture's. For memorial day Jenny and her family came over for a BBQ. We cooked up some steaks, hamburger, and hot dogs on the grill. It was a hot day and the kids enjoyed playing on the trampoline. They were playing fish out of water and Trevor like being in the water. Then Trevor's t-ball started up and we have been going to his games on Tuesday and Thursday to watch him play. He loves playing and he does really good. Danny is the coach of his team. Beverlie's softball games are on Monday and Wednesday. She is the pitcher and she enjoys playing except when she gets hit by the ball.
We also had Kaitlyn's Baptism this month. We traveled down to Utah. What a trip. We were running late and to top it all off we got stuck in road construction we didn't know they were doing. But we made it in time. It was a nice service and Kaitlyn was so cute. We enjoyed visiting with her if the time we were there. Afterwards We went with Carol to she her house she is building that is almost done. It was amazing. Then we traveled home all in one day. Because I had to work the next morning. CRAZY!

Trevor batting
Memorial Day
Memorial day

fun in the sun running through the sprinkles

Kaitlyn at the Baptism

Trevor playing ball

Fun at the park
YOu guys have been busy with softball and tball this summer. Kaitlyn looks so cute at her baptism. I see she cut her hair. It was long the last time I seen her.
Fun, fun summer! Thanks for inviting me to Katilyn's baptism. She is a darling little girl and looked so beautiful in her white dress. It was nice to see you all. Keep having fun!
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