This year for Christmas I bought Danny lower bowl Utah
Jazz tickets to the Jazz vs Pistons game. We sat behind the basket
by the Pistons bench. It was a blast. Before the game we went to
dinner with Matt and Jamie. Then we all went to the game. We got there
early to try and get autographs from the players. We bought a blue Jazz ball
For to get atographs on. We got Kyle Korver, Ronnie Brewer, Kosta koufos,
and Brevin Knight. We still had time before the game so we went and got
Bailey's autography too. Then They anounced that the Bear was giving
autographs. Jamie took off running joking around. It was fun. We got to were
the Bear was signing autographs and got his too and pictures with the Bear.
Then it was time for the game. The game just wouldn't be the same with out
my wonderful husband and his personality. For everybody who knows my husbands
personality knows what I'm talking about. The game was a good game. Danny was cheering
the whole game. There was a fan there that shout shut up, that only made Danny
get louder. He had every eye on him most of the time.
When there was only 2 min. left of the game some people started leaving because it was
a for sure win for the Jazz. We moved down closer to the court. Danny was yelling at
AI. Allen Iverson calling him a ball hog. He was getting mad and throughing Daggers at
us. He heard everything Danny said. It was fun. After the game when we were walking out
we had to try and get are 2 min. of fame. So we were outside the window jumping up and down
to try and get on t.v. Then there were other people who joined in. You just had to be there
words can't describe how fun it was. I was having so much fun that I was crying from laughing so hard.

Me and Danny
Matt and Jamie
fun, fun, fun!
I am so jelaous! I love the Jazz. That would be awesome to have great seats and get autographs. I'm glad you guys had fun!
I love this post! I had a BLAST! We must do it again. Danny made me laugh so hard that my abs were hurting from laughing so much! Thanks for a great time!
Jamie =)
That sounds like so much fun. It's awesome that you went down and got all of those autographs. Griff would never do that. I've never been to a jazz game, but I would sure like to go. I'll have to go with your clan though because Griff likes to blend into the background too much!
How fun! I wish I could have gone!
Looks like fun. Thats a cute picture of you and Danny!
Good times. Dave and I used to go to every Jazz game when Carl Malone, John Stockton, and Jeff Hornaseck were blazin' stars. I agree, there is nothing like being to a loud yellin', all out screamin' bustin' night with the Jazz! I miss those days. One year Dave and I took all the kids to a Jazz game on Christmas Day. That was such a fun memory. Everybody loved it. It was great to hear about your day at the Jazz and I am glad you had tons of fun. You guys sound crazy just like us! Misty said you were having trouble signing into my blog. I will send you another invite, and please, send an invite to me.
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