on a farm with alot of acres for the kids to play.
The kids like it. When Kaitlyn was down last smmer
the kids built a hut in the back yard and had tons of
fun making mud pies and getting dirty. We also
got some horse. The kids love them. Last summer we
spent alot of time with the horses. We starting breaking
the baby colt so that the kids could ride her. Everyday
we were out there walking her and petting her so she would
get use to us. Verseares is the mom and she is already broke
to ride. But we couldn't ride her because she was pregnant.
She was suppose to have her baby this spring. But she had
her colt on Christmas eve and it was to early so the colt didn't
make it. But when it warms up the kids want to ride the horses.
When I was younger I rode horses in the rodeos. Doing barrel racing.
The kids want to start riding the horses in barrel racing too.
I think they would have lots of fun. We haven't decide for sure
what to name the baby but we have to names Diamond because she has
a mark on her nose in the shape of a diamond or Jasmine.

Verseres Pearl

The baby colt. Diamond or Jasmine

Grandpa and Grandma Bates used to have a horse in the same pasture as our horse. Grandpa named him Diamond Jubilee. So, my vote is for Diamond!
So sorry you lost the colt. I vote for diamond too. The kids will have lots of fun riding horses. I rode all the time while I was growing up. Maybe if I loose all my weight I can come and ride your horses. I would love to do that.
There's nothing like raising kids on the farm. The best kind of life, ever! I love my farm, too, even if it's a fruit farm. I vote for Diamond, too!
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