The Whites

The Whites

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

First snow of the year

The other day we got are first snow. The kids loved it.
they was outside playing making snow angels and
trying to build a snowman. Trevor was having fun throwing
snow at everybody. Everybody thought it was fun except
Ryan. He didn't like the cold. Trevor thought it was funny to hit him
with snowballs and make him cry. They got to play in the snow for
two days and now it's starting to melt. The kids wanted to go sledding
but we didn't get enough snow.


Trevor making a snowball.


kelley said...

kids and snow sure got together. Looks like they had fun.

Mike and Audrey said...

How fun! To be a kid again! We have over a foot in our yard! We have plenty for you to come and go sledding!

Merry Christmas!

Nat said...

Hi Danny and Tanya! This is Natalie, Danny's cousin. I didn't know you had a blog! It is very cute!

If you want an invite to my blog, email me at

Anonymous said...

Oh my nieces and nephews are soooo cute. My little Ryan isn't so little anymore. Looks like you had fun in the snow!