The Whites

The Whites

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas and New Years Eve fun...

We had a great Christmas this year. The kids got alot of stuff. Beverlie got a Jewelery box.
Carolyn got a Karaoke machine. Trevor got a tool work bench with tools. Ryan got a marble track. The kids woke us up at about 5am to open gifts. Ryan later that day fell asleep on his stocking under the Christmas tree...

This New year eve was very interesting. It snowed all day and when we got home. We wanted to watch the Jazz game and New years eve shows. Well because of the snow we werent able to because are satellite dish was getting no signal. Are dish is on the top of are roof so we were not able to reach it. After trying everything to get the snow off the roof Danny climbed on the roof to try and get the snow of the dish. well to say the least the roof was slick. Danny wasn't able to get to the dish. He started sliding so me and Beverlie moved the trampoline up as close as we could to he house. But little good that did. Danny started sliding and he made it on the Trampoline but the Trampoline broke and he hit his knee on the side walk. He has a sore knee but he is okay. Things you shouldn't do....
Needless to say the least when we got back in the house the t.v. was working if only we had waited...

New years was Danny's birthday. Patty took are family to lunch and Jenny's family came with it was fun then we came home and spent the day together and had birthday cake.. Danny is a great husband and father and we love him with all of are hearts.
Happy Birthday Danny!


Nat said...

Yikes! Happy birthday, Danny!

kelley said...

I'm glad Danny is OK and Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

It was a great New Years Day! Chuck a Rama was a hit for Danny. He loaded up!